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Some Conceptual Metaphors for Rational Numbers as Fractions in Swedish Mathematics Textbooks for Elementary Education

Pages 914-927 | Received 06 Dec 2021, Accepted 21 Jun 2022, Published online: 12 Sep 2022


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Texts used as empirical data

  • Bergwik, K., & Falck, P. (2020). Matte Direkt Triumf: 2A Elevbok. Sanoma Utbildning.
  • Bergwik, K., & Falck, P. (2020). Matte Direkt Triumf: 2B Elevbok. Sanoma Utbildning.
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  • Brorsson, Å. (2017). Mondo matematik: 2B. Gleerups.
  • Brorsson, Å. (2017). Mondo matematik: 3A. Gleerups.
  • Brorsson, Å. (2017). Mondo matematik: 3B. Gleerups.
  • Karppinen, J., Kiviluoma, P., & Urpiola, T. (2018). Favoritmatematik 3B. Studentlitteratur.
  • Mårtensson, A., & Öhman, Y. (2016). Mitt i prick matematik: 2A. Majema.
  • Mårtensson, A., & Öhman, Y. (2018). Mitt i prick matematik: 3B. Majema.
  • Ristola, K., Tapaninaho, T., & Vaaraniemi, L. (2012). Favoritmatematik 2A. Studentlitteratur.