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AMEE Guide

Student engagement in health professions education: AMEE Guide No. 152



  • Abreu Alves S, Sinval J, Lucas Neto L, Maroco J, Goncalves Ferreira A, Oliveira P. 2022. Burnout and dropout intention in medical students: the protective role of academic engagement. BMC Med Educ. 22(1):83.
  • Agarwal G, Mosquera M, Ring M, Victorson D. 2020. Work engagement in medical students: an exploratory analysis of the relationship between engagement, burnout, perceived stress, lifestyle factors, and medical student attitudes. Med Teach. 42(3):299–305.
  • Alamri Y. 2019. Factors influencing decisions to become involved in research: a study of pre-clinical medical students from New Zealand. Med Sci Educ. 29(2):489–492.
  • Alexander EC, Mok J, Guni A, Burford C. 2019. Perceived barriers to research amongst medical students: where are we six years on? Med Teach. 41(1):120.
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  • Bhat IH, Gupta S. 2019. Mediating effect of student engagement on social network sites and academic performance of medical students. IJSSP. 39(9/10):899–910.
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  • Borhan E. 2020. Relationship between student engagement and organizational culture in a University in Turkey. Turkey: Middle East Technical University.
  • Bovill C, Cook-Sather A, Felten P, Millard L, Moore-Cherry N. 2015. Addressing potential challenges in co-creating learning and teaching: overcoming resistance, navigating institutional norms and ensuring inclusivity in student–staff partnerships. High Educ. 71(2):195–208.
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  • Brierley C, Ellis L, Reid ER. 2022. Peer-assisted learning in medical education: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Med Educ. 56(4):365–373.
  • Bryson C. 2014. Chapter 1, clarifying the concept of student engagement. In: Bryson C, editor. Understanding and developing student engagement. 1st ed. London: Routledge; pp. 1-22.
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  • Burkhardt MS, Gower S, Flavell H, Taplin J. 2015. Engagement and creation of professional identity in undergraduate nursing students: a convention-style orientation event. J Nurs Educ. 54(12):712–715.
  • Burkhart SJ, Taylor JA, Kynn M, Craven DL, Swanepoel LC. 2020. Undergraduate students experience of nutrition education using the flipped classroom approach: a descriptive cohort study. J Nutr Educ Behav. 52(4):394–400.
  • Cameron KS, Quinn RE. 2011. Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: based on the competing values framework. 3rd Edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass; p 31–59.
  • Casuso-Holgado MJ, Cuesta-Vargas AI, Moreno-Morales N, Labajos-Manzanares MT, Barón-López FJ, Vega-Cuesta M. 2013. The association between academic engagement and achievement in health sciences students. BMC Med Educ. 13:33.
  • Caton JB, Chung S, Adeniji N, Hom J, Brar K, Gallant A, Bryant M, Hain A, Basaviah P, Hosamani P. 2021. Student engagement in the online classroom: comparing preclinical medical student question-asking behaviors in a videoconference versus in-person learning environment. FASEB Bioadv. 3(2):110–117.
  • Chan V, Larson ND, Moody DA, Moyer DG, Shah NL. 2021. Impact of 360 degrees vs 2D videos on engagement in anatomy education. Cureus. 13(4):e14260.
  • Cheng CY, Liou SR, Tsai HM, Chang CH. 2014. The effects of team-based learning on learning behaviors in the maternal-child nursing course. Nurse Educ Today. 34(1):25–30.
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  • Fredricks JA, Blumenfeld PC, Paris AH. 2004. School engagement: potential of the concept, state of the evidence. Review of Educational Research. 74(1):59–109.
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  • Fredricks JA, Wang M-T, Schall Linn J, Hofkens TL, Sung H, Parr A, Allerton J. 2016. Using qualitative methods to develop a survey measure of math and science engagement. Learn Instruct. 43:5–15.
  • Frenzel AC, Goetz T, Lüdtke O, Pekrun R, Sutton RE. 2009. Emotional transmission in the classroom: exploring the relationship between teacher and student enjoyment. J Educ Psychol. 101(3):705–716.
  • Freret T, Rana J, Schwartzstein RM, Gooding HC. 2017. Twelve tips for implementation of "student-as-teacher" programs. Med Teach. 39(12):1221–1226.
  • Funnell P. 2017. Using audience response systems to enhance student engagement and learning in information literacy teaching. JIL. 11(2):28.
  • Furlong MJ, Christenson SL. 2008. Engaging students at school and with learning: a relevant construct for all students. Psychol Schs. 45(5):365–368.
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  • Gardner AK, Jabbour IJ, Williams BH, Huerta S. 2016. Different goals, different pathways: the role of metacognition and task engagement in surgical skill acquisition. J Surg Educ. 73(1):61–65.
  • Geraghty JR, Young AN, Berkel TDM, Wallbruch E, Mann J, Park YS, Hirshfield LE, Hyderi A. 2020. Empowering medical students as agents of curricular change: a value-added approach to student engagement in medical education. Perspect Med Educ. 9(1):60–65.
  • Gheihman G, Callahan DG, Onyango J, Gooding HC, Hirsh DA. 2021. Coproducing clinical curricula in undergraduate medical education: student and faculty experiences in longitudinal integrated clerkships. Med Teach. 43(11):1267–1277.
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  • Grant LL, Opperman MJ, Schiller B, Chastain J, Richardson JD, Eckel C, Plawecki MH. 2021. Medical student engagement in a virtual learning environment positively correlates with course performance and satisfaction in psychiatry. Med Sci Educ. 31(3):1133–1140.
  • Green W. 2019. Engaging “students as partners” in global learning: some possibilities and provocations. J Stud Int Educ. 23(1):10–29.
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  • Hadie SNH, Tan VPS, Omar N, Nik Mohd Alwi NA, Lim HL, Ku Marsilla KI. 2021. COVID-19 Disruptions in health professional education: use of cognitive load theory on students’ comprehension, cognitive load, engagement, and motivation. Front Med. 8:739238.
  • Haidar A, Erickson SG, Champagne-Langabeer T. 2020. Medical students’ participation in longitudinal community service during preclerkship years: a qualitative study on experiences and perceived outcomes. J Med Educ Curric Dev. 7:2382120520936610.
  • Hamdan A, Kakarla J. 2013. Barriers faced by medical students interested in research. Med Teach. 35(1):78.
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  • Harrington CM, Kavanagh DO, Wright Ballester G, Wright Ballester A, Dicker P, Traynor O, Hill A, Tierney S. 2018. 360 Degrees operative videos: a randomised cross-over study evaluating attentiveness and information retention. J Surg Educ. 75(4):993–1000.
  • Hartnup B, Dong L, Eisingerich AB. 2018. How an environment of stress and social risk shapes student engagement with social media as potential digital learning platforms: qualitative study. JMIR Med Educ. 4(2):e10069.
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  • Hopper MK. 2016. Assessment and comparison of student engagement in a variety of physiology courses. Adv Physiol Educ. 40(1):70–78.
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