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Preparing teacher candidates for family–school partnerships

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  • Bartels, S., and K. Eskow. 2010. “Training School Professionals to Engage Families: A Pilot. University/State Department of Education Partnership.” The School Community Journal 20 (2): 45–71.
  • Baum, A. C., and K. J. Swick. 2008. “Dispositions Toward Families and Family Involvement: Supporting Preservice Teacher Development.” Early Childhood Education 35: 579–584.10.1007/s10643-007-0229-9
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  • Driessen, G., F. Smit, and P. Sleegers. 2005. “Parental Involvement and Educational Achievement.” British Educational Research Journal 31 (4): 508–532.
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  • Fan, X., and M. Chen. 2001. “Parental Involvement and Students’ Academic Achievement: A Meta-analysis.” Educational Psychology Review 13 (1): 1–22.10.1023/A:1009048817385
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  • Miller, G. E., C. Lines, E. Sullivan, and K. Hermanutz. 2013. “Preparing Educators to Partner with Families.” Teaching Education 24 (2): 150–163.10.1080/10476210.2013.786889
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  • Sanders, M. G., and J. L. Epstein. 2005. “School–Family–Community Partnerships and Educational Change: International Perspective.” In Extending Educational Change, edited by A. Hargreaves, 202–224. Dordrecht: Springer.10.1007/1-4020-4453-4
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  • Souto-Manning, M., and K. Swick. 2006. “Teachers’ Beliefs about Parent and Family Involvement: Rethinking our Family Involvement Paradigm.” Early Childhood Education Journal 34 (2): 187–193.10.1007/s10643-006-0063-5
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