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In and against global injustice: Decolonising popular education on global development


  • Ahmed, S., 2007. A phenomenology of whiteness. Feminist theory, 8 (2), 149–168.
  • Ahmed, S., 2010. Vithetens fenomenologi. Tidskrift För Genusvetenskap, 1–2, 47–69.
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  • Berg, L., 2007. InterNacionalistas: identifikation och främlingskap i svenska solidaritetsarbetares berättelser från Nicaragua. 1st ed. Thesis (PhD). Umeå University.
  • Çagatay, S., 2018. In, against (and beyond?) the state: women’s rights, global gender equality regime, and feminist counterpublics in 21st-century Turkey. In: L. Martinsson and D. Mulinari, eds. Dreaming global change, doing local feminisms: visions of feminism: Global North/Global South encounters, conversations and disagreements. London: Routledge, 58–80.
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  • Dahlstedt, M. and Nordvall, H., 2011. Paradoxes of solidarity: democracy and colonial legacies in Swedish popular education. Adult Education Quarterly, 61 (3), 244–261.
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  • DiAngelo, R., 2011. White fragility. International journal of critical pedagogy, 3 (3), 54–70.
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  • Ipsen, P. and Fur, G., 2009. Introduction. Itinerario, 33 (2), 7–18.
  • Jaramillo, N.E. and Carreon, M.E., 2014. Pedagogies of resistance and solidarity: towards revolutionary and decolonial praxis. Interface, 6 (1), 392–411.
  • Johnson, K., 2016. Exhibiting decolonising discourse: critical settler education and ‘the city before the city’. Studies in the education of adults, 48 (2), 177–193.
  • Jonsson, C., 2012. Volontärerna: internationellt hjälparbete från missionsorganisationer till volontärresebyråer. Thesis (PhD). Linnaeus University.
  • Kapoor, D., 2011. Adult learning in political (un-civil) society: anti-colonial subaltern social movement (SSM) pedagogies of place. Studies in the education of adults, 43 (2), 128–146.
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  • Kluttz, J., Walker, J., and Walter, P., 2021. Learning towards decolonising relationships at standing rock. Studies in the education of adults, 53 (1), 101–119.
  • Kluttz, J., Walker, J., and Walter, P., 2020. Unsettling allyship, unlearning and learning towards decolonising solidarity. Studies in the education of adults, 52 (1), 49–66.
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  • Yang, C.-L., 2016. Encounters between the ‘oppressed’ and the ‘oppressor’: rethinking Paulo Freire in anti-racist feminist education in Sweden. Race ethnicity and education, 19 (4), 835–855.
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  • Zielińska, M., Kowzan, P., and Prusinowska, M., 2011. Social movement learning: from radical imagination to disempowerment? Studies in the education of adults, 43 (2), 251–267.