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What constitutes the surface approach to learning in the light of new empirical evidence?

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  • Amirali, Minbashian, Gail Huon, and Kevin D. Bird. 2004. “Approaches to Studying and Academic Performance in Short Essay Exams.” Higher Education 47 (2): 161–176.
  • Asikainen, Henna, Viivi Virtanen, Anna Parpala, and Sari Lindblom-Ylänne. 2013. “Understanding the Variation in Bioscience Students’ Conceptions of Learning in the 21st Century.” International Journal of Educational Research 62: 36–42.
  • Baeten, Marlies, Eva Kyndt, Katrien Struyven, and Filip Dochy. 2010. “Using Student-Centred Learning Environments to Stimulate Deep Approaches to Learning: Factors Encouraging or Discouraging their Effectiveness.” Educational Research Review 5 (3): 243–260.
  • Beishuizen, Jos, Evelien Stoutjesdijk, and K. van Putten. 1994. “Studying Textbooks: Effects of Learning Styles, Study Task, and Instruction.” Learning and Instruction 4: 151–174.
  • Biggs, John. 1987. Student Approaches to Learning and Studying: Research Monograph. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Council for Educational Research.
  • Biggs, John. 1993. “What Do Inventories of Students’ Learning Processes Really Measure? A Theoretical Review and Clarification.” British Journal of Educational Psychology 63 (1): 3–19.
  • Biggs, John, David Kember, and Doris Y. P. Leung. 2001. “The Revised Two Factor Study Process Questionnaire: R-SPQ-2F.” British Journal of Educational Psychology 71 (1): 133–149.
  • Coertjens, Liesje, Gert Vanthournout, Sari Lindblom-Ylänne, and Liisa Postareff. 2016. “Understanding Individual Differences in Approaches to Learning Across Courses: A Mixed Method Approach.” Learning and Individual Differences 51: 69–80.
  • Diseth, Åge, and Øyvind Martinsen. 2003. “Approaches to Learning, Cognitive Style, and Motives as Predictors of Academic Achievement.” Educational Psychology 23 (2): 195–207.
  • Entwistle, Noel. 1988. “Motivational Factors in Students’ Approaches to Learning.” In Learning Strategies and Learning Styles, edited by Ronald R. Schmeck, 21–51. New York: Plenum Press.
  • Entwistle, Noel. 1998. “Motivation and Approaches to Learning.” Motivating and Conceptions of Teaching.” In Motivating Students, edited by Brown Sally, Armstrong Steve, and Thomson Gail, 15–24. London: Kogan Page.
  • Entwistle, Noel. 2009. Teaching for Understanding at University: Deep Approaches and Distinctive Ways of Thinking. Basingstock: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Entwistle, Noel, Hilary Tait, and Velda McCune. 2000. “Patterns of Response to Approaches to Studying Inventory across Constrasting Groups and Contexts.” European Journal of Psychology of Education XV (1): 33–48.
  • Entwistle, Noel, and Velda McCune. 2004. “The Conceptual Bases of Study Strategy Inventories.” Educational Psychology Review 16 (4): 325–345.
  • Entwistle, Noel, Velda McCune, and Dai Hounsell. 2003. “Investigating Ways of Enhancing University Teaching-Learning Environments: Measuring Students’ Approaches to Studying and Perceptions of Teaching.” In Unravelling Basic Components and Dimensions of Powerful Learning Environments, edited by Erik De Corte, Lieven Verschaffel, Noel Entwistle, and Jeroen van Merrienboer, 89–107. Oxford: Elsevier Science.
  • Entwistle, Noel, Velda McCune, and Paul Walker. 2001. “Conceptions, Styles, and Approaches within Higher Education: Analytic Abstractions and Everyday Experience.” In Perspectives on Thinking, Learning, and Cognitive Styles, edited by Robert J. Sternberg and Lingfu F. Zhang, 197–226. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Entwistle, Noel, Velda McCune, and Max Sheja. 2006. “Student Learning in Context: Understanding the Phenomenon and the Person.” In Instructional Psychology. Past, Present, and Future Trends: Sixteen Essays in Honour of Eric De Corte, 131–148. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Entwistle, Noel, and Paul Ramsden. 1983. Understanding Student Learning. London: Croom Helm.
  • Haarala-Muhonen, Anne, Mirja Ruohoniemi, Anna Parpala, Erkki Komulainen, and Sari Lindblom-Ylänne. 2017. “How do the Different Study Profiles of First-year Students Predict their Study Success, Study Progress and the Completion of Degrees?” Higher Education 74 (6): 949–962. doi:10.1007/s10734-016-0087-8.
  • Hailikari, Telle, and Anna Parpala. 2014. “What Impedes or Enhances My Studying? The Interrelation between Approaches to Learning, Factors Influencing Study Progress and Earned Credits.” Teaching in Higher Education 19 (7): 812–824.
  • Hailikari, Telle, Tarja Tuononen, and Anna Parpala. 2016. “Students’ Experiences of the Factors Affecting Their Study Progress: Differences in Study Profiles.” Journal of Further and Higher Education 6: 1–12.
  • Heikkilä, Annamari, Kirsti Lonka, Juha Nieminen, and Markku Niemivirta. 2012. “Relations between Teacher Students’ Approaches to Learning, Cognitive and Attributional Strategies, Well-being, and Study Success.” Higher Education 64: 455–471.
  • Herrmann, Kim Jesper, Anna Bager-Elsborg, and Anna Parpala. 2017. “Measuring Perceptions of the Learning Environment and Approaches to Learning: Validation of the Learn Questionnaire.” Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 61 (5): 526–539.
  • Howie, Peter, and Richard Bagnall. 2013. “A Critique of the Deep and Surface Approaches to Learning Model.” Teaching in Higher Education 18 (4): 389–400.
  • Karagiannopoulou, Evangelia, and Fotios S. Milienos. 2013. “Exploring the Relationship between Experienced Students’ Preference for Open and Closed-Book Examinations, Approaches to Learning and Achievement.” Educational Research and Evaluation 19 (4): 271–296.
  • Kember, David, John Biggs, and Doris Y. P. Leung. 2004. “Examining the Multidimensionality of Approaches to Learning through the Development of a Revised Version of the Learning Process Questionnaire.” British Journal of Educational Psychology 74 (2): 261–279.
  • Kyndt, Eva, Filip Dochy, Katrien Struyven, and Eduardo Cascallar. 2011a. “The Direct and Indirect Effect of Motivation for Learning on Students’ Approaches to Learning through the Perceptions of Workload and Task Complexity.” Higher Education Research & Development 30 (2): 135–150.
  • Kyndt, Eva, Filip Dochy, Katrien Struyven, and Eduardo Cascallar. 2011b. “The Perception of Workload and Task Complexity and its Influence on Students’ Approaches to Learning: A Study in Higher Education.” European Journal of Psychology of Education 26 (3): 393–415.
  • Lindblom-Ylänne, Sari. 1999. “Studying in a Traditional Medical Curriculum – Study Success, Orientations to Studying and Problems that Arise.” Doctoral thesis, Helsinki University Printing House, Helsinki.
  • Lindblom-Ylänne, Sari. 2003. “Broadening Understanding of the Phenomenon of Dissonance.” Studies in Higher Education 28 (1): 63–77.
  • Lindblom-Ylänne, Sari, and Kirsti Lonka. 1998. “Individual Ways of Interacting with the Learning Environment – Are they Related to Study Success?” Learning and Instruction 9: 1–18.
  • Lindblom-Ylänne, Sari, and Kirsti Lonka. 2000. “Dissonant Study Orchestrations of High Achieving University Students.” European Journal of Educational Psychology 15 (1): 19–32.
  • Lindblom-Ylänne, Sari, Anna Parpala, and Liisa Postareff. 2015a. “Methodological Challenges in Measuring Change in Students’ Learning Processes.” In World Education Research Yearbook 2015, edited by Lory Hill and Felice Levine, 160–180. New York: Routledge.
  • Lindblom-Ylänne, Sari, Emmi Saariaho, Mikko Inkinen, Anne Haarala-Muhonen, and Telle Hailikari. 2015b. “Academic Procrastination, Strategic Delay and Something Betwixt and Between: An Interview Study.” Frontline Learning Research 3 (2): 27–42.
  • Lonka, Kirsti, Erkki Olkinuora, and And Jarkko Mäkinen. 2004. “Aspects and Prospects of Measuring Studying and Learning in Higher Education.” Educational Psychology Review 16 (4): 301–323.
  • Lonka, Kirsti, and Sari Lindblom-Ylänne. 1996. “Epistemologies, Conceptions of Learning, and Study Practices in Medicine and Psychology.” Higher Education 31: 5–24.
  • Marton, Ference, and Roger Säljö. 1976. “On Qualitative Differences in Learning: I. Outcome and Process.” British Journal of Educational Psychology 46: 4–11.
  • Marton, Ference, and Roger Säljö. 1997. “Approaches to Learning.” In The Experience of Learning, edited by Ference Marton, Dai Hounsell, and Noel Entwistle, 39–58. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press.
  • Meyer, Jan H. F. 1991. “Study Orchestration: The Manifestation, Interpretation and Consequences of Contextualised Approaches to Studying.” Higher Education 22: 297–316.
  • Meyer, Jan H.F. 2000a. “The Modelling of Dissonant Study Orchestration in Higher Education.” European Journal of Psychology of Education 15 (1): 5–18.
  • Meyer, Jan H.F. 2000b. “An Overview of the Development and Application of the Reflections on Learning Inventory (RoLI).” Paper Presented at the RoLI Symposium, London, July 25.
  • Nelson Laird, Thomas, Rick Shoup, George Kuh, and Michael J. Schwarz. 2008. “The Effects of Discipline on Deep Approaches to Student Learning and College Outcomes.” Research in Higher Education 49 (6): 469–494.
  • Parpala, Anna. 2010. “Exploring the Experiences and Conceptions of Good Teaching in Higher Education: Development of a Questionnaire for Assessing Students’ Approaches to Learning and Experiences of the Teaching-Learning Environment.” Doctoral Dissertation. University of Helsinki, Institute of Behavioural Sciences. Studies in Educational Sciences 230. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press.
  • Parpala, Anna, and Sari Lindblom-Ylänne. 2012. “Using a Research Instrument for Developing Quality at the University.” Quality in Higher Education 18 (3): 313–328.
  • Parpala, Anna, Sari Lindblom-Ylänne, Erkki Komulainen, Topi Litmanen, and Laura Hirsto. 2010. “Students’ Approaches to Learning and their Experiences of the Teaching-Learning Environment in Different Disciplines.” British Journal of Educational Psychology 80 (2): 269–282.
  • Postareff, Liisa, Sari Lindblom-Ylänne, and Anna Parpala. 2014. “Explaining University Students’ Strong Commitment to Understand through Individual and Contextual Elements.” Frontline Learning Research 3: 31–49.
  • Postareff, Liisa, Nina Katajavuori, Sari Lindblom-Ylänne, and Keith Trigwell. 2008. “Consonance and Dissonance in Descriptions of Teaching of University Teachers.” Studies in Higher Education 33 (1): 49–61.
  • Prosser, Michael, and Keith Trigwell. 1998. “Teaching in Higher Education.” In Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. edited by Barry Dart and Gillian Boulton-Lewis, 250–268. Camberwell, Victoria: Acer.
  • Prosser, Michael, and Keith Trigwell. 1999. Understanding Learning and Teaching: The Experience in Higher Education. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Smith, Swee Noi, and Robyn J. Miller. 2005. “Learning Approaches: Examination Type, Discipline of Study, and Gender.” Educational Psychology 25 (1): 43–53.
  • Spada, Marcantonio, and Giovanni B. Moneta. 2012. “A Metacognitive-Motivational Model of Surface Approach to Studying.” Educational Psychology 32 (1): 45–62.
  • Tait, Hilary, Noel Entwistle, and Velda McCune. 1998. “Assist: A Reconceptualisation of the Approaches to Studying Inventory.” In Improving Students as Learners, edited by Chris Rust, 262–271. Oxford: Oxford Brookes University, The Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development.
  • Thompson, Penny. 2013. “The Digital Natives as Learners: Technology Use Patterns and Approaches to Learning.” Computers & Education 65: 12–33.
  • Timmermans, Stefan, and Iddo Tavory. 2012. “Theory Construction in Qualitative Research: From Grounded Theory to Abductive Analysis.” Sociological Theory 30 (3): 167–186.
  • Vanthournout, Gert, Vincent Donche, David Gijbels, and Peter Van Petegem. 2013. ‘(Dis)Similarities in Research on Learning Approaches and Learning Patterns.’ In Learning Patterns in Higher Education in the 21stCentury: Dimensions and Research Perspectives, edited by David Gijbels, Vincent Donche, John Richardson, and Jan Vermunt, 11–32. EARLI Book Series New Perspectives on Learning and Instruction. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Vermunt, Jan D. 2005. “Relations between Student Learning Patterns and Personal and Contextual Factors and Academic Performance.” Higher Education 49: 205–234.
  • Vermunt, Jan D. H. M., and Frank A. W. M. van Rijswijk. 1988. “Analysis and Development of Students’ Skill in Self-regulated Learning.” Higher Education 170: 647–682.