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Oral corrective feedback: teachers’ concerns and researchers’ orientation



  • Ammar, A. and N. Spada. 2006. One size fits all? Recasts, prompts, and L2 learning. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 28, no. 4: 543–74. doi: 10.1017/S0272263106060268
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  • Ellis, R. and Y. Sheen. 2006. Re-examining the role of recasts in L2 acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 28, no. 4: 575–600. doi: 10.1017/S027226310606027X
  • Goo, J. and A. Mackey. 2013. The case against the case against recasts. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 35, no. 1: 127–65. doi: 10.1017/S0272263112000708
  • Han, Z.H. and J.H. Kim. 2008. Corrective recasts: what teachers might want to know. The Language Learning Journal 36, no. 1: 35–44. doi: 10.1080/09571730801988371
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  • Kartchava, E. and A. Ammar. 2014. The noticeability and effectiveness of corrective feedback in relation to target type. Language Teaching Research 18, no. 4: 428–52. doi: 10.1177/1362168813519373
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  • Loewen, S. and J. Philp. 2006. Recasts in the adult L2 classroom: characteristics, explicitness and effectiveness. The Modern Language Journal 90, no. 4: 536–56. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-4781.2006.00465.x
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  • Lyster, R. and H. Mori. 2006. Interactional feedback and instructional counterbalance. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 28, no. 2: 269–300. doi: 10.1017/S0272263106060128
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  • Mackey, A., C. Polio and K. McDonough. 2004. The relationship between experience, education and teachers’ use of incidental focus-on-form techniques. Language Teaching Research 8, no. 3: 301–27. doi: 10.1191/362168804lr147oa
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  • Yang, Y. and R. Lyster. 2010. Effects of form-focused practice and feedback on Chinese EFL learners’ acquisition of regular and irregular past tense forms. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 32, no. 2: 235–63. doi: 10.1017/S0272263109990519
  • Yoshida, R. 2010. How do teachers and learners perceive corrective feedback in the Japanese language classroom? The Modern Language Journal 94, no. 2: 293–314. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-4781.2010.01022.x
  • Zheng, H. 2013. The dynamic interactive relationship between Chinese secondary school EFL teachers’ beliefs and practice. The Language Learning Journal 41, no. 2: 192–204. doi: 10.1080/09571736.2013.790133
  • Zyzik, E. and C. Polio. 2008. Incidental focus on form in university Spanish literature courses. The Modern Language Journal 92, no. 1: 53–70. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-4781.2008.00686.x

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