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Mother-Child Writing Interactions for Young Children with and without Cerebral Palsy

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  • Abbott, R. D., Berninger, V. W., & Fayol, M. (2010). Longitudinal relationships of levels of language in writing and between writing and reading in grades 1 to 7. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102, 281–298.
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  • Quinn, M. F., Gerde, H. K., & Bingham, G. E. (2016). Help me where I am: Scaffolding writing in preschool classrooms. The Reading Teacher, 70(3), 353–357.
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  • Skibbe, L. E., & Aram, D. (2018). Maternal writing support for kindergartners with cerebral palsy and its relations to early literacy skills. The Journal of Special Education, 52(1), 29–38.
  • Skibbe, L. E., Bindman, S. W., Hindman, A. H., Aram, D., & Morrison, F. J. (2013). Longitudinal relations between parental writing support and preschoolers’ language and literacy skills. Reading Research Quarterly, 48, 387–401.
  • Van Luit, J. E. H. (2011). Difficulties with preparatory skills in kindergarteners. International Journal of Disability, Development, and Education, 58, 89–95.

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