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Research Articles

How Does Parental Reading Influence Children’s Reading? A Study of Cognitive Mediation


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  • Valdois, S., Bosse, M., Ans, B., Carbonnel, S., Zorman, M., David, D., & Pellat, J. (2003). Phonological and visual processing deficits can dissociate in developmental dyslexia: Evidence from two case studies. Reading and Writing, 16(6), 541–572. doi:10.1023/A:1025501406971
  • Valdois, S., Lassus-Sangosse, D., & Lobier, M. (2012). Impaired letter-string processing in developmental dyslexia: What visual-to-phonology code mapping disorder? Dyslexia, 18(2), 77–93. doi:10.1002/dys.1437
  • van Bergen, E., de Jong, P. F., Maassen, B., & van der Leij, A. (2014). The effect of parents’ literacy skills and children’s preliteracy skills on the risk of dyslexia. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 42(7), 1187–1200. doi:10.1007/s10802-014-9858-9
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  • van Bergen, E., van der Leij, A., & de Jong, P. F. (2014). The intergenerational multiple deficit model and the case of dyslexia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8(346), 1–13. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00346
  • van den Boer, M., van Bergen, E., & de Jong, P. F. (2014). Underlying skills of oral and silent reading. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 128, 138–151. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2014.07.008
  • van den Boer, M., van Bergen, E., & de Jong, P. F. (2015). The specific relation of visual attention span with reading and spelling in dutch. Learning and Individual Differences, 39, 141–149. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2015.03.017
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  • Wadsworth, S., Corley, R., Hewitt, J., Plomin, R., & DeFries, J. (2002). Parent–offspring resemblance for reading performance at 7, 12 and 16 years of age in the colorado adoption project. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 43(6), 769–774. doi:10.1111/1469-7610.00085
  • Willcutt, E. G., Betjemann, R. S., McGrath, L. M., Chhabildas, N. A., Olson, R. K., DeFries, J. C., & Pennington, B. F. (2010). Etiology and neuropsychology of comorbidity between RD and ADHD: The case for multiple-deficit models. Cortex, 46(10), 1345–1361. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2010.06.009
  • Ziegler, J. C., Pech-Georgel, C., Dufau, S., & Grainger, J. (2010). Rapid processing of letters, digits and symbols: What purely visual-attentional deficit in developmental dyslexia? Developmental Science, 13(4), F8–F14. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7687.2010.00983.x