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The physical indoor environment in ECEC settings: children’s well-being and physical activity


  • Acer, D., G. Gozen, Z. S. Firat, H. Kefeli, and B. Aslan. 2016. “Effects of a Redesigned Classroom on Play Behaviour among Preschool Children.” Early Child Development and Care 186 (12): 1907–1925. doi:10.1080/03004430.2015.1136999.
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  • Howard, J., and K. McInnes. 2013. “The Impact of Children's Perception of an Activity as Play Rather Than not Play on Emotional Well-Being.” Child: Care, Health and Development 39 (5): 737–742. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2012.01405.x.
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  • Kennedy-Behr, A., S. Rodger, and S. Mickan. 2015. “Play or Hard Work: Unpacking Well-Being at Preschool.” Research in Developmental Disabilities 38: 30–38. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2014.12.003.
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  • Luchs, A., and M. Fikus. 2013. “A Comparative Study of Active Play on Differently Designed Playgrounds.” Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning 13 (3): 206–222.
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  • Nicaise, V., D. Kahan, and J. F. Sallis. 2011. “Correlates of Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity among Preschoolers During Unstructured Outdoor Play Periods.” Preventive Medicine 53 (4-5): 309–315. doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2011.08.018.
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  • Peden, M. E., R. Jones, S. Costa, Y. Ellis, and A. D. Okely. 2017. “Relationship Between Children's Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Childcare Environments: A Cross Sectional Study.” Preventive Medicine Reports 6: 171–176. doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2017.02.017.
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  • Shim, S.-Y., J. E. Herwig, and M. Shelley. 2001. “Preschoolers’ Play Behaviors with Peers in Classroom and Playground Settings.” Journal of Research in Childhood Education 15 (2): 149–163.
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  • Sugiyama, T., A. D. Okely, J. M. Masters, and G. T. Moore. 2012. “Attributes of Child Care Centers and Outdoor Play Areas Associated With Preschoolers’ Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior.” Environment and Behavior 44 (3): 334–349. doi:10.1177/0013916510393276.
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  • Torrens, P. M., and W. A. Griffin. 2013. “Exploring the Micro-Social Geography of Children's Interactions in Preschool: A Long-Term Observational Study and Analysis Using Geographic Information Technologies.” Environment and Behavior 45 (5): 584–614.
  • Tucker, P., L. M. Vanderloo, S. M. Burke, J. D. Irwin, and A. M. Johnson. 2015. “Prevalence and Influences of Preschoolers’ Sedentary Behaviors in Early Learning Centers: a Cross-Sectional Study.” Bmc Pediatrics 15: 128. doi:10.1186/s12887-015-0441-5.
  • Vanderloo, L. M., P. Tucker, A. M. Johnson, S. M. Burke, and J. D. Irwin. 2015. “Environmental Influences on Preschoolers’ Physical Activity Levels in Various Early-Learning Facilities.” Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 86 (4): 360–370.
  • Zimmerman, P. H., J. E. Bolhuis, A. Willemsen, E. S. Meyer, and L. P. Noldus. 2009. “The Observer XT: a Tool for the Integration and Synchronization of Multimodal Signals.” Behavior Research Methods 41 (3): 731–735. doi:10.3758/brm.41.3.731.