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Practitioners’ language-supporting strategies in multilingual ECE institutions in Luxembourg



  • Alstad, G., and E. Tkachenko. 2018. “Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices in Creating Multilingual Spaces: The Case of English Teaching in Norwegian Early Childhood Education.” In Preschool Bilingual Education. Agency in Interactions Between Children, Teachers, and Parents, edited by M. Schwartz, 245–282. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
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  • Mifsud, C., and L. Vella. 2018. “To Mix Languages or Not? Preschool Bilingual Education in Malta.” In Preschool Bilingual Education. Agency in Interactions Between Children, Teachers, and Parents, edited by M. Schwartz, 57–98. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
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  • Pontier, R. W., I. D. Boruchowski, and L. I. Olivo. 2020. “Dynamic Language Use in Bi/Multilingual Early Childhood Education Contexts: A Critical Review of the Literature.” Journal of Culture and Values in Education 3 (2): 158–178.
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