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The role of the medium for verbal engagement: shared reading in groups with books and apps in Norwegian ECEC-institutions

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References to the picture book and app titles

  • Aisato, L. 2014a. En fisk til Luna [A fish for Luna]. Oslo: Gyldendal.
  • Aisato, L. 2014b. En fisk til Luna. Sound developer C. Andy “SCNTFC” Rohrmann. Oslo: Gyldendal.
  • Bråten, C., and R. Markhus. 2013. Frøet [The Seed]. Oslo: Gyldendal.
  • Bråten, C. 2015. Frøet. Illustrert av Rune Markhus. Lest av Christian Greger Strøm. App developer: SDI Media. Oslo: Gyldendal.
  • Jansson, T. 2012. Hvordan gikk det (første utgave 1957). App developer: Spinfy Oy. Oslo: Aschehoug.
  • Jansson, T. (1952) 2017. Hvordan gikk det (orig. Hur gick det sen?) [How did it go?]. Oslo: Cappelen Damm.
  • Stai, K. 2008a. Jakob & Neikob [Yesper & Noper]. Oslo: Samlaget.
  • Stai, K. 2008b. Jakob & Neikob. Lese av Siren Jørgensen. App developer: Studio Make Music AS. Oslo: Samlaget.


  • Al-Yaqout, G., and M. Nikolajva. 2015. “Re-conceptualising Picturebook Theory in the Digital age.” Nordic Journal of ChildLit Aesthetics/Barnelitterært Forskningstidsskrift 6 (1). doi:https://doi.org/10.3402/blft.v6.26971.
  • Barzillai, M., J. M. Thomson, and A. Mangen. 2017. “The Influence of e-Books on Language and Literacy Development.” In Education and new Technologies: Perils and Promises for Learners, edited by K. Sheehy and A. Holliman, 33–47. London: Routledge.
  • Burger, K. 2015. “Effective Early Childhood Care and Education: Successful Approaches and Didactic Strategies for Fostering Child Development.” European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 23 (5): 743–760.
  • Bus, A. G., B. Sari, and Z. K. Takacs. 2019. “The Promise of Multimedia Enhancement in Children’s Digital Storybooks.” In Reading in the Digital Age: Young Children’s Experiences with e-Books, edited by J. Kim and B. Hassinger-Das, 45–57. Cham: Springer.
  • Bus, A. G., Z. K. Takacs, and C. A. T. Kegel. 2015. “Affordances and Limitations of Electronic Storybooks for Young Children’s Emergent Literacy.” Developmental Review 35: 79–97.
  • Bus, A. G., M. H. Van Ijzendoorn, and A. D. Pellegrini. 1995. “Joint Book Reading Makes for Success in Learning to Read: A Meta-Analysis on Intergenerational Transmission of Literacy.” Review of Educational Research 65 (1): 1–21.
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  • Dickinson, D. K., and A. B. Morse. 2019. Connecting Through Talk: Nurturing Children's Development with Language. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Company.
  • Etta, R. A., and H. L. Kirkorian. 2018. “Children’s Learning from Interactive Ebooks: Simple Irrelevant Features are not Necessarily Worse Than Relevant Ones.” Frontiers in Psychology 9. doi:https://doi.org/10.3389/Fpsyg.2018.02733.
  • Farrant, B. M., and S. R. Zubrick. 2012. “Early Vocabulary Development: The Importance of Joint Attention and Parent-Child Book Reading.” First Language 32 (3): 343–364. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/0142723711422626.
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  • Hansen, J. E., and M. Alvestad. 2018. “Educational Language Practices Described by Preschool Teachers in Norwegian Kindergartens.” European Childhood Education Research Journal 26 (1): 128–141. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/1350293X.2018.1412052.
  • Hargrave, A. C., and M. Sénéchal. 2000. “A Book Reading Intervention with Preschool Children who Have Limited Vocabularies: The Benefits of Regular Reading and Dialogic Reading.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 15 (1): 75–90.
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  • Mangen, A., T. Hoel, M. Jernes, and T. Moser. 2019. “Shared, Dialogue-Based Reading with Books vs Tablets in Early Childhood Education and Care: Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Intervention Study.” International Journal of Educational Research 97: 88–98.
  • Mangold. 2010. INTERACT Quick Start Manual V2.4. Online: Mangold International GmbH.
  • Meltzer, L. 2011. Executive Function in Education: From Theory to Practice. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Merchant, G. 2015. “Keep Taking the Tablets: IPads, Story Apps and Early Literacy.” Australian Journal of Language and Literacy 38 (1): 3–11.
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  • Neumann, M. M., and D. L. Neumann. 2014. “Touch-screen Tablets and Emergent Literacy.” Early Childhood Education Journal 42: 231–239.
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  • Reich, S. M., J. C. Yau, and M. Warschauer. 2016. “Tablet-based Ebooks for Young Children: What Does the Research say?” Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 37 (7): 585–591.
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  • Robbins, C., and L. Ehri. 1994. “Reading Storybooks to Kindergartners Helps Them Learn new Vocabulary Words.” Journal of Educational Psychology 86: 54–64.
  • Roskos, K., K. Burstein, and B.-K. You. 2012. “A Typology for Observing Children's Engagement with EBooks at Preschool.” Journal of Interactive Online Learning 11 (2): 47–66.
  • Sénéchal, M., S. Pagan, R. Lever, and G. P. Ouellette. 2008. “Relations among the Frequency of Shared Reading and 4-Year-old Children's Vocabulary, Morphological and Syntax Comprehension, and Narrative Skills.” Early Education and Development 19 (1): 27–44.
  • Takacs, Z. K., E. K. Swart, and A. G. Bus. 2014. “Can the Computer Replace the Adult for Storybook Reading? A Meta-Analysis on the Effects of Multimedia Stories as Compared to Sharing Print Stories with an Adult.” Frontiers in Psychology 5. doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01366.
  • Takacs, Z. K., E. K. Swart, and A. G. Bus. 2015. “Benefits and Pitfalls of Multimedia and Interactive Features in Technology-Enhanced Storybooks a Meta-Analysis.” Review of Educational Research 85 (4): 698–739.
  • Tønnessen, E. S., and T. Hoel. 2019. “Designing Dialogs Around Picture Book Apps.” In Reading in the Digital age: Young Children's Experiences with e-Books, edited by J. Kim, B. Hassinger-Das, A. Bus, and K. Roskos, 197–215. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
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