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Newcomer object ownership negotiations when transitioning from home care to early childhood education and care in Finland



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  • Rutanen, N., R. Raittila, K. Harju, Y. Lucas Revilla, and M. Hännikäinen. 2021. “Negotiating Ethics-in-Action in a Long-Term Research Relationship with a Young Child.” Human Arenas, 1–18.
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  • Vuorisalo, M., N. Rutanen, and R. Raittila. 2015. “Constructing Relational Space in Early Childhood Education.” Early Years 35 (1): 67–79. https://doi.org/10.1080/09575146.2014.985289.
  • White, E. J., H. Marwick, K. de Souza Amorim, L. K. M. Herold, and N. Rutanen. 2022. “Introducing ISSEET.” In First Transitions to Early Childhood Education and Care: Intercultural Dialogues Across the Globe, edited by E. J. White, H. Marwick, N. Rutanen, K. de Souza Amorim, and L. K. M. Herold, 1–23. Cham: Springer.
  • White, E. J., N. Rutanen, H. Marwick, K. S. Amorim, E. Karagiannidou, and L. K. M. Herold. 2020. “Expectations and Emotions Concerning Infant Transitions to ECEC: International Dialogues with Parents and Teachers.” European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 28 (3): 363–374. https://doi.org/10.1080/1350293X.2020.1755495.
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