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Enrichment and safety -the parents of young children constructing early childhood education and care institution in Finland



  • Almendingen, A., O. Clayton, and J. Matthews. 2022. “Partnering with Parents in Early Childhood Services: Raising and Responding to Concerns.” Early Childhood Education Journal 50 (4): 527–538. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10643-021-01173-6
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  • Kivimäki, M., K. Karila, and M. Alasuutari. 2021. “Perhepäivähoito- ja päiväkoti-instituutio varhaiskasvatuksen kunnallisten viranhaltijoiden puheessa” [Family Day Care and ECEC Institutions in the Talk of Municipal Officials Responsible for Early Childhood Education].” Kasvatus [The Finnish Journal of Education] 52 (2): 180–193.
  • Li, Y., J. Devlieghere, J. Li, and M. Vandenbroeck. 2023. “Parental Involvement in Early Childhood Education and Care: Exploring Parents’ Perspectives in Rural China.” European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 31 (3): 343–358.
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