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Ethics, Poverty and Children’s Vulnerability



  • Alkire, Sabina, and José Manuel Roche. 2012. “Beyond Headcount: Measures That Reflect the Breadth and Components of Child Poverty.” In Global Child Poverty and Well-Being. 1st ed., edited by Alberto Minujin and Shailen Nandy, 103–133. Bristol: Policy Press.
  • Anderson, Joel, and Rutger Claassen. 2012. “Sailing Alone: Teenage Autonomy and Regimes of Childhood.” Law and Philosophy 31 (5): 495–522. doi:10.1007/s10982-012-9130-9.
  • Andresen, Sabine. 2014. “Childhood Vulnerability: Systematic, Structural, and Individual Dimensions.” Child Indicators Research 7 (4): 699–713. doi:10.1007/s12187-014-9248-4.
  • Attree, Pamela. 2006. “The Social Costs of Child Poverty: A Systematic Review of the Qualitative Evidence.” Children & Society 20 (1): 54–66. doi:10.1002/chi.854.
  • Auwarter, Amy E., and Mara S. Aruguete. 2008. “Effects of Student Gender and Socioeconomic Status on Teacher Perceptions.” The Journal of Educational Research 101 (4): 242–246. doi:10.3200/JOER.101.4.243-246.
  • Balter, Michael. 2015. “Poverty May Affect the Growth of Children’s Brains.” Science, doi:10.1126/science.aab0395.
  • Bastos, Amélia, and Carla Machado. 2009. “Child Poverty: A Multidimensional Measurement.” International Journal of Social Economics 36 (3): 237–251. doi:10.1108/03068290910932738.
  • Batana, Yélé, Maurizio Bussolo, and John Cockburn. 2013. “Global Extreme Poverty Rates for Children, Adults and the Elderly.” Economics Letters 120 (3): 405–407. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2013.05.006.
  • Biggeri, Mario, Jean-Francois Trani, and Vincenzo Mauro. 2010. The Multidimensionality of Child Poverty: An Empirical Investigation on Children of Afghanistan. OPHI Research in Progress. Oxford: Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative. http://www.ophi.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/OPHI-RP19a.pdf.
  • Blaise, Mindy. 2009. “‘What a Girl Wants, What a Girl Needs’: Responding to Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in the Early Childhood Classroom.” Journal of Research in Childhood Education 23 (4): 450–460. doi:10.1080/02568540909594673.
  • Boyden, Jo, and Michael Bourdillon. eds. 2012. Childhood Poverty: Multidisciplinary Approaches. 1st ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Chzhen, Yekaterina. 2017. “Unemployment, Social Protection Spending and Child Poverty in the European Union During the Great Recession.” Journal of European Social Policy 27 (2): 123–137. doi:10.1177/0958928716676549.
  • Chzhen, Yekaterina, Chris de Neubourg, Ilze Plavgo, and Marlous de Milliano. 2016. “Child Poverty in the European Union: The Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis Approach (EU-MODA).” Child Indicators Research 9 (2): 335–356. doi:10.1007/s12187-015-9321-7.
  • Conrad, David. 2012. “Deprivation-Based Inequalities in Under-18 Conception Rates and the Proportion of Under-18 Conceptions Leading to Abortion in England, 1998–2010.” Journal of Public Health 34 (4): 609–614. doi:10.1093/pubmed/fds031.
  • Conroy, Kathleen, Megan Sandel, and Barry Zuckerman. 2010. “Poverty Grown Up: How Childhood Socioeconomic Status Impacts Adult Health.” Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 31 (2): 154–160. doi:10.1097/DBP.0b013e3181c21a1b.
  • Crossley, Stephen. 2016. “‘Realising the (Troubled) Family’, ‘crafting the Neoliberal State’.” Families, Relationships and Societies 5 (2): 263–279. doi:10.1332/204674315X14326465757666.
  • Dixon, Rosalind, and Martha Nussbaum. 2012. “Children’s Rights and a Capabilities Approach: The Question of Special Priority.” Cornell Law Review 97: 549–593.
  • Duncan, Greg J., Katherine Magnuson, Ariel Kalil, and Kathleen Ziol-Guest. 2012. “The Importance of Early Childhood Poverty.” Social Indicators Research 108 (1): 87–98. doi:10.1007/s11205-011-9867-9.
  • Evans, Gary W., and Rochelle C. Cassells. 2014. “Childhood Poverty, Cumulative Risk Exposure, and Mental Health in Emerging Adults.” Clinical Psychological Science 2 (3): 287–296. doi:10.1177/2167702613501496.
  • Felner, Robert D., and Melissa L. DeVries. 2013. “Poverty in Childhood and Adolescence: A Transactional–Ecological Approach to Understanding and Enhancing Resilience in Contexts of Disadvantage and Developmental Risk.” In Handbook of Resilience in Children. 1st ed., edited by Sam Goldstein, and Robert B. Brooks, 105–126. Boston, MA: Springer. http://www.springerlink.com/index/10.1007/978-1-4614-3661-4_7.
  • Ferguson, Hb, S. Bovaird, and Mp Mueller. 2007. “The Impact of Poverty on Educational Outcomes for Children.” Paediatrics & Child Health 12 (8): 701–706.
  • Franklin-Hall, Andrew. 2013. “On Becoming an Adult: Autonomy and the Moral Relevance of Life’s Stages.” The Philosophical Quarterly 63 (251): 223–247. doi:10.1111/1467-9213.12014.
  • Goodman, Lisa A, Katya Fels Smyth, Angela M Borges, and Rachel Singer. 2009. “When Crises Collide” Trauma, Violence & Abuse 10 (4): 306–329. doi:10.1177/1524838009339754.
  • Graf, Gunter, and Gottfried Schweiger. eds. 2015. The Well-Being of Children: Philosophical and Social Scientific Approaches. 1st ed. Berlin: DeGruyter Open.
  • Hatcher, Daniel L. 2016. The Poverty Industry: The Exploitation of America’s Most Vulnerable Citizens. 1st ed. Families, Law, and Society Series. New York: New York University Press.
  • Hermann, Christoph. 2014. “Structural Adjustment and Neoliberal Convergence in Labour Markets and Welfare: The Impact of the Crisis and Austerity Measures on European Economic and Social Models.” Competition & Change 18 (2): 111–130. doi:10.1179/1024529414Z.00000000051.
  • Holzer, Harry J., Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, Greg J. Duncan, and Jens Ludwig. 2008. “The Economic Costs of Childhood Poverty in the United States.” Journal of Children and Poverty 14 (1): 41–61. doi:10.1080/10796120701871280.
  • Honneth, Axel. 2004. “Organized Self-Realization.” European Journal of Social Theory 7 (4): 463–478. doi:10.1177/1368431004046703.
  • Hooper, Carol-Ann, Sarah Gorin, Christie Cabral, and Claire Dyson. 2007. Living with Hardship 24/7: The Diverse Experiences of Families in Poverty in England. 1st ed. London: Frank Buttle Trust. http://www.york.ac.uk/admin/presspr/features/hardship.pdf.
  • Huisman, Martijn, Sanna Read, Catriona A. Towriss, Dorly J. H. Deeg, and Emily Grundy. 2013. “Socioeconomic Inequalities in Mortality Rates in Old Age in the World Health Organization Europe Region.” Epidemiologic Reviews 35 (1): 84–97. doi:10.1093/epirev/mxs010.
  • Hurst, Samia. 2015. “Clarifying Vulnerability: The Case of Children.” Asian Bioethics Review 7 (2): 126–138. doi:10.1353/asb.2015.0018.
  • Jensen, Tracey, and Imogen Tyler. 2015. “‘Benefits Broods’: The Cultural and Political Crafting of Anti-Welfare Commonsense.” Critical Social Policy 35 (4): 470–491. doi:10.1177/0261018315600835.
  • Kalleberg, Arne L. 2011. Good Jobs, Bad Jobs : The Rise of Polarized and Precarious Employment Systems in the United States, 1970s to 2000s. 1st ed. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  • Karriker-Jaffe, Katherine J. 2011. “Areas of Disadvantage: A Systematic Review of Effects of Area-Level Socioeconomic Status on Substance use Outcomes.” Drug and Alcohol Review 30 (1): 84–95. doi:10.1111/j.1465-3362.2010.00191.x.
  • Kehily, Mary Jane. 2012. “Contextualising the Sexualisation of Girls Debate: Innocence, Experience and Young Female Sexuality.” Gender and Education 24 (3): 255–268. doi:10.1080/09540253.2012.670391.
  • Kim, Pilyoung, Gary W. Evans, Michael Angstadt, S. Shaun Ho, Chandra S. Sripada, James E. Swain, Israel Liberzon, and K. Luan Phan. 2013. “ Effects of Childhood Poverty and Chronic Stress on Emotion Regulatory Brain Function in Adulthood.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, October, 1–6. doi:10.1073/pnas.1308240110.
  • Levy, David L. 2005. “Offshoring in the New Global Political Economy.” Journal of Management Studies 42 (3): 685–693. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6486.2005.00514.x.
  • Livingston, Mark, Ade Kearns, and Jon Bannister. 2014. “Neighbourhood Structures and Crime: The Influence of Tenure Mix and Other Structural Factors upon Local Crime Rates.” Housing Studies 29 (1): 1–25. doi:10.1080/02673037.2014.848267.
  • Lødemel, Ivar, and Heather Trickey. eds. 2001. ‘An Offer You Can’t Refuse’: Workfare in International Perspective. 1st ed. Bristol: Policy Press.
  • Lupton, Ruth. 2005. “Social Justice and School Improvement: Improving the Quality of Schooling in the Poorest Neighbourhoods.” British Educational Research Journal 31 (5): 589–604. doi:10.1080/01411920500240759.
  • Mackenzie, Catriona, Wendy Rogers, and Susan Dodds. 2014a. “Introduction: What Is Vulnerability and Why Does It Matter for Moral Theory?” In Vulnerability: New Essays in Ethics and Feminist Philosophy, edited by Catriona Mackenzie, Wendy Rogers, and Susan Dodds, 1–29. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Mackenzie, Catriona, Wendy Rogers, and Susan Dodds. eds. 2014b. Vulnerability: New Essays in Ethics and Feminist Philosophy. 1st ed. Studies in Feminist Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Macleod, Colin M. 2010. “Primary Goods, Capabilities and Children.” In Measuring Justice – Primary Goods and Capabilities, edited by Harry Brighouse, and Ingrid Robeyns, 174–192. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Macleod, Colin. 2015. “Agency, Authority and the Vulnerability of Children.” In The Nature of Children’s Well-Being, Vol. 9. 1st ed., edited by Alexander Bagattini, and Colin Macleod, 53–64. Dordrecht: Springer. http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-94-017-9252-3_4.
  • Main, Gill, and Jonathan Bradshaw. 2016. “Child Poverty in the UK: Measures, Prevalence and Intra-Household Sharing.” Critical Social Policy 36 (1): 38–61. doi:10.1177/0261018315602627.
  • McEwen, Craig A., and Bruce S. McEwen. 2017. “Social Structure, Adversity, Toxic Stress, and Intergenerational Poverty: An Early Childhood Model.” Annual Review of Sociology 43 (1): 445–472. doi:10.1146/annurev-soc-060116-053252.
  • McKinney, Stephen. 2014. “The Relationship of Child Poverty to School Education.” Improving Schools 17 (3): 203–216. doi:10.1177/1365480214553742.
  • Mentis, Alexios-Fotios A. 2015. “To What Extent Are Greek Children Exposed to the Risk of a Lifelong, Intergenerationally Transmitted Poverty?.” Poverty & Public Policy 7 (4): 357–381. doi:10.1002/pop4.123.
  • Minujin, Alberto, Enrique Delamonica, Alejandra Davidziuk, and Edward D Gonzalez. 2006. “The Definition of Child Poverty: A Discussion of Concepts and Measurements.” Environment and Urbanization 18 (2): 481–500. doi:10.1177/0956247806069627.
  • Mullin, Amy. 2014a. “Children, Vulnerability, and Emotional Harm.” In Vulnerability. 1st ed., edited by Catriona Mackenzie, Wendy Rogers, and Susan Dodds, 266–287. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Mullin, Amy. 2014b. “Children, Paternalism and the Development of Autonomy.” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (3): 413–426. doi:10.1007/s10677-013-9453-0.
  • O’Connor, Alice. 2001. Poverty Knowledge : Social Science, Social Policy, and the Poor in Twentieth-Century U.S. History. 1st ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Phung, Viet-Hai. 2008. “Ethnicity and Child Poverty Under New Labour: A Research Review.” Social Policy and Society 7 (04), doi:10.1017/S1474746408004491.
  • Raphael, Dennis. 2011. “Poverty in Childhood and Adverse Health Outcomes in Adulthood.” Maturitas 69 (1): 22–26. doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2011.02.011.
  • Rekker, Roderik, Dustin Pardini, Loes Keijsers, Susan Branje, Rolf Loeber, and Wim Meeus. 2015. “Moving in and out of Poverty: The Within-Individual Association Between Socioeconomic Status and Juvenile Delinquency.” Edited by Karin Bammann. PLOS ONE 10 (11): e0136461. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0136461.
  • Ridge, Tess. 2011. “The Everyday Costs of Poverty in Childhood: A Review of Qualitative Research Exploring the Lives and Experiences of Low-Income Children in the UK.” Children & Society 25 (1): 73–84. doi:10.1111/j.1099-0860.2010.00345.x.
  • Rose, Helena D., and Keren Cohen. 2010. “The Experiences of Young Carers: A Meta-Synthesis of Qualitative Findings.” Journal of Youth Studies 13 (4): 473–487. doi:10.1080/13676261003801739.
  • Russell, Mary, Barbara Harris, and Annemarie Gockel. 2008. “Parenting in Poverty: Perspectives of High-Risk Parents.” Journal of Children and Poverty 14 (1): 83–98. doi:10.1080/10796120701871322.
  • Sayer, Andrew. 2015. Why We Can’t Afford the Rich. 1st ed. Bristol: The Policy Press.
  • Schram, Sanford F, Joe Soss, Richard Fording, and Linda Houser. 2009. “Deciding to Discipline: Race, Choice, and Punishment at the Frontlines of Welfare Reform.” American Sociological Review 74 (3): 398–422. doi:10.1177/000312240907400304.
  • Schweiger, Gottfried. 2015. “Justice and Children’s Well-Being and Well-Becoming.” In The Well-Being of Children: Philosophical and Social Scientific Approaches. 1st ed., edited by Gunter Graf, and Gottfried Schweiger, 84–96. Berlin: DeGruyter Open.
  • Schweiger, Gottfried, and Gunter Graf. 2015. A Philosophical Examination of Social Justice and Child Poverty. 1st ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. http://www.palgraveconnect.com/doifinder/10.1057/9781137426024.
  • Schweiger, Gottfried, and Gunter Graf. 2017. “Ethics and the Dynamic Vulnerability of Children.” Les Ateliers de l’éthique/The Ethics Forum 12 (2–3): 243–261. doi:10.7202/1051284ar.
  • Sen, Amartya. 1985. “A Sociological Approach to the Measurement of Poverty: A Reply to Professor Peter Townsend.” Oxford Economic Papers 37 (4): 669–676.
  • Shahtahmasebi, Said, Eric Emerson, Damon Berridge, and Gillian Lancaster. 2011. “Child Disability and the Dynamics of Family Poverty, Hardship and Financial Strain: Evidence From the UK.” Journal of Social Policy 40 (04): 653–673. doi:10.1017/S0047279410000905.
  • Shin, Dong-Myeon. 2000. “Economic Policy and Social Policy: Policy-Linkages in an Era of Globalisation.” International Journal of Social Welfare 9 (1): 17–30. doi:10.1111/1468-2397.00105.
  • Simpson, Donald, Eunice Lumsden, and Rory McDowall Clark. 2015. “Neoliberalism, Global Poverty Policy and Early Childhood Education and Care: A Critique of Local Uptake in England.” Early Years 35 (1): 96–109. doi:10.1080/09575146.2014.969199.
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  • Straehle, Christine. 2017. Vulnerability, Autonomy, and Applied Ethics. New York: Routledge. http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9781315647418.
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