Dealing with dementia: prioritizing high-quality dementia care

Created 16 Apr 2024 | 7 articles
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As the population ages worldwide, the number of dementia patients, such as those living with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and vascular cognitive impairment (VCI), is steadily increasing. Therefore, the disease burden of dementia is an important public health problem. This Thematic Series explores various aspects of dementia, including different types of dementia epidemiology, risk factors, prevention, early and progression biomarkers, and new treatments. The series focuses on precise diagnosis of AD management, biomarkers of dementia, physiological changes and biomarkers of healthy aging with respect to dementia, and the wider side to dementia care, as it is relates to patient quality of life and the impacts on family, encouraging guidance on how to improve dementia care worldwide.

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Originally published in Clinical Interventions in Aging, Volume: 18 (31 Dec 2023)

Published online: 06 Mar 2023
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