Bioengineered Top Cited Article Prize

Created 01 Jan 2021| Updated 17 Oct 2022 | 3 articles

Bioengineered is pleased to announce the establishment of two new prizes to congratulate authors of high performing articles.

Top Cited Article Prize: Bioengineered will be awarding a Top Cited Article Prize to the three most highly cited papers published in the past three volume years.

Top Downloaded Article Prize: Bioengineered will be awarding a Top Downloaded Article Prize to the three most frequently downloaded papers published in the past two volume years.

The Editorial Office of Bioengineered will select, notify, and announce the winners in January 2022. Winners of the Top Cited article prizes will be determined through Web of Science citation data, and winners of the Top Downloaded article prizes will be determined through Taylor & Francis article usage data.

All winners will be announced on Bioengineered’s website and Taylor & Francis social media. All winners will receive a prize certificate from the Editorial Office.


2019 - Steven Wainaina, Lukitawesa, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi & Mohammad J. Taherzadeh, 'Bioengineering of anaerobic digestion for volatile fatty acids, hydrogen or methane production: A critical review': 107 citations.

2020 - Jia Sen Tan, Sze Ying Lee, Kit Wayne Chew, Man Kee Lam, Jun Wei Lim, Shih-Hsin Ho & Pau Loke, 'A review on microalgae cultivation and harvesting, and their biomass extraction processing using ionic liquids': 50 citations.

2020 - Toral Shindhal, Parita Rakholiya, Sunita Varjani, Ashok Pandey, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, How Yong Ng & Mohammad J. Taherzadeh, 'A critical review on advances in the practices and perspectives for the treatment of dye industry wastewater': 49 citations.

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