Journal overview

Editorial board

We are pleased to announce that Cogent Public Health has merged with  Critical Public Health beginning with Volume 34, 2024, under the leadership of a new Editor in Chief, Joe Thomas (Institute of Health & Management, Melbourne, Australia) and the Editorial Board. This signals an exciting new phase for Cogent Public Health, extending the reach and impact of authors’ work and ensuring open access to the valuable insights of this community. We welcome submissions from authors from  Cogent Public Health to join us at  Critical Public Health . The journal champions high-quality articles relevant within the field of public health, aimed at all public health researchers and those working within public health services.

Our academic editors, who are all active researchers, take an objective and constructive approach to peer review. Submissions are assessed on their scientific soundness and validity and not evaluated based on subjective assessments of importance. A host of post-publication metrics will display the ongoing impact of each individual article.

Our innovative intersections feature highlights relevant articles to audiences across adjacent fields of scientific, medical and social research to ensure maximum dissemination and impact for your work.

 To submit a manuscript to Critical Public Health please visit our dedicated online submission site

Cogent Public Health considers original articles, reviews, case studies and short communications in any of the following branches of research:

  • Adolescent Health
  • Ageing and Public Health
  • Burden of Disease
  • Commercial Determinants of Health
  • Digital Public Health
  • Disaster and Emergency Health
  • Environmental Health
  • Epidemiology
  • Ethics & Governance
  • Gender and Health
  • Global Health
  • Health and Human Rights
  • Health Behaviour
  • Health Communication
  • Health Diplomacy
  • Health Equity and Social Inequalities in Health
  • Health Policy
  • Health Promotion
  • Health Services
  • Health Systems
  • Health & Human Rights
  • Infectious Diseases - Surveillance and Prevention
  • Innovations in Health
  • Law and Public Health
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • New Public Health
  • Non-Communicable Diseases
  • Occupational Health
  • One Health
  • Planetary Health
  • Primary Care
  • Public Health Education and Promotion
  • Public Health Economics
  • Public Mental Health
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Social Health
  • Sustainable Health
  • Trade and Public Health
  • War, Violence and Public Health

What can you expect if you publish in Cogent Public Health ?

  • Immediate, free access to your article for anyone anywhere in the world
  • Rigorous peer review featuring constructive dialogue with experts
  • Fast publication on a state-of-the-art platform
  • Innovative article-level performance metrics
  • Global marketing and high production values
  • Authors retain copyright of their work

Cogent Public Health is part of the Taylor & Francis Group, which includes Informa Healthcare, Landes Bioscience, CRC Press and Garland Science.

Read full aims and scope

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