Human Rights and Global Health

Created 18 Mar 2024 | 13 articles

The emergence of the field of health and human rights during the closing decades of the twentieth century offered the promise of an important shift of perspective within global health. It has been increasingly questioned, however, to what extent the health and human rights framework has indeed succeeded in ushering in a new era of global health governance and justice, as the topic has remained marginalised, marked by regional inequalities, and often dominated by legalist visions and global North perspectives. The articles and commentaries in this special issue seek to create a space where a number of other perspectives and voices can be part of the discussion. They add new perspectives and offer roadmaps for how to rewire the ways in which knowledge is constructed and relationships are formed in the field of health and human rights. In doing so, they present important possibilities for how to build a more just and egalitarian field.

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Originally published in Global Public Health, Volume: 17, Number: 11 (02 Nov 2022)

Published online: 07 Nov 2022
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Open Access
Article Commentary

Originally published in Global Public Health, Volume: 17, Number: 11 (02 Nov 2022)

Published online: 18 Aug 2022
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Article Commentary

Originally published in Global Public Health, Volume: 17, Number: 11 (02 Nov 2022)

Published online: 23 Nov 2021
  • 1 CrossRef citations
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Article Commentary

Originally published in Global Public Health, Volume: 17, Number: 11 (02 Nov 2022)

Published online: 06 Jul 2021
  • 0 CrossRef citations
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