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Journal overview

Journal of Plant Interactions is a fully open access journal that publishes research on the interactions of plants with their surrounding environment.

Journal of Plant Interactions aims to inform all plant biologists, plant physiologists, ecologists, mycologists, microbiologists, agronomists, landscape architects, environmental engineers, entomologists, students and all researchers interested in biological struggle and sustainable use of natural resources.

The journal covers topics including:

  • Plant-Plant Interaction
    All biochemical, physiological and molecular aspects of plant-plant interactions
  • Plant-Microorganism Interaction
    Three fundamental sub-areas: Plant-Fungi; Plant-Bacteria and Plant-Virus Interactions
  • Plant-Insect Interaction
    All aspects of interaction: from pest attack to plant attraction; from tritrophic interactions to biological control
  • Plant-Human interactions
    Interaction of plant molecules with human health.
  • Plant-Environment Interaction (open environment)
    This area is divided into two general sections: ‘open environment’ and ‘closed environment’. The first section covers all aspects of plants’ interaction with abiotic stresses present in the natural environments.
  • Plant-Environment Interaction (closed environment)
    Research reports on artificial environments where plants live both on Earth and in space applications, Astrobiology, Biological Life Support Systems, remote sensing, biosensing and nanotechnology
  • Plant-Soil Interaction (including Plant-Water Interaction)
    This area deals with nutrition, drought, flooding, restoration, phytoremediation, bioremediation, applied ecology, and all aspects where plants interact with the soil.

Journal of Plant Interactions accepts original research papers, short communications and review papers. Authors are encouraged to include Key policy highlights (3 to 5 in total) in their paper. These should have approximately 100 words, which set out the main findings of the paper that are of specific relevance to policy makers. These key policy highlights should be presented as a bulleted list of concise but complete sentences. They form part of the submission and will be published below the academic abstract.

Please note that this journal only publishes manuscripts in English.

The journal operates a double-anonymized peer review policy.

All articles are made freely and permanently available online through gold open access publication.

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