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Journal overview

The Journal of Global Marketing is at the forefront of academic discourse that addresses global and international marketing strategies and challenges that firms, industries, and public sector agencies encounter worldwide. We aim to publish evidence-based research in an international marketing context that kindles thought leadership in marketing scholars. The Journal is committed to advancing cutting-edge knowledge, offering a distinctive platform that welcomes contributions from scholars worldwide. We welcome submissions from developed markets and embrace research from emerging markets. By fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment, we aim to advance the field of global and international marketing by continually pushing the boundaries of knowledge in this dynamic discipline.

We encourage submissions that address international and global marketing issues and offer solutions to organizations. Empirical and conceptual contributions addressing any aspect of global and international marketing are welcome.

The Journal of Global Marketing provides valuable marketing information for CEOs, management at all levels, marketing professionals, educators, and students.

The Journal of Global Marketing will publish articles in diverse areas that address business involvement in international marketing, such as:

  • global market research challenges
  • global macro and micro environmental challenges
  • global competitive strategy
  • new age technologies, such as generative artificial intelligence, metaverse, machine learning, and deep learning, and their impact on global marketing
  • global marketing in disruptive environments, e.g., wars, COVID-19, etc.
  • cross-national and cross-cultural consumer decision-making and behavior
  • consumer culture theory and international markets
  • multi-cultural consumer behavior
  • marketing in emerging markets
  • product and service development for global markets
  • brand management in global markets
  • pricing strategy in global markets
  • marketing channels in global markets
  • global sourcing and supply chain relationships
  • business to business marketing in global markets
  • strategic partnerships and export/import relationships
  • retailing of products and services at global platforms
  • global communication strategies
  • global marketing in the age of social media, digital, mobile, and Internet
  • global direct marketing
  • global sales promotion strategies
  • sales force decisions in global markets
  • economic development & global tourism
  • marketing in the low-, middle-, and high-income countries
  • marketing to the bottom of the pyramid and subsistence marketplaces
  • role of CSR, responsible consumption, and sustainability in global markets
  • ethical and public policy issues in global marketing
  • international education and global outreach of educational institutions

Peer Review Policy: All articles published in  Journal of Global Marketing  have undergone rigorous peer review based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two anonymous referees who are subject experts.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

Featured Topics Series

As of June 2024, the journal will publish 'Featured Topics' papers, original articles covering timely and key concepts in global marketing. To submit a proposal for a Featured Topics paper, please see text below or the Guidelines here.

The following policies and guidelines offer a detailed outline to help facilitate the process for scholars/practitioners interested in proposing an idea for the FT article.

Potential author(s) should prepare a concise (2-4 page) proposal for an FT article showcasing four key points (in the following specific order)

 a) Need for the article, the innovative idea behind it.

b) Expertise of the authors(s), qualifications and depth of experience.

c) The article's contributions to enhancing and transforming the theory and practice of global marketing as a guide for academic and business communities.

d) Highlights of the proposed work.

Please submit it to the AE, Abhishek Behl, as an email attachment at [email protected] with a copy to the EIC, Ajay Manrai, as an email attachment at [email protected]. An FT article is expected to be written by a team of experts from the field who have a track record of publishing top-tiered articles in the proposed area of research. Senior members of the Editorial Board will review the proposal. Based on these reviews, the editorial team will provide feedback and decide whether the idea is worth pursuing. The proposal and FT article should build a debate and discussion on the ongoing and futuristic paradigm of global marketing. The concept of FT articles is to present perspectives, research ideas, and thoughts to marketing scholars and practitioners to spearhead futuristic dimensions of research.

Unlike a regular research paper, an FT article would not rely too much on past literature and data. However, the authors would provide sufficient empirical evidence to support their points, extending the debate. Also, it is suggested that authors be crisp and clear in expressing their thoughts and back them up with appropriate evidence.

The authors should refer to the Aims and Scope of JGM while developing the proposal and the FT article. Information on the JGM’s Aims and Scope can be found at

The editorial team will review the proposal in a timely fashion. If the idea is approved, the authors will have a maximum of 90 days to develop and submit the article using the official submission process via Scholar One.

Each FT article submitted must be original and must not have been published, or any part of it should not be under review in any other journal. After submission, each FT article would undergo an internal review process by the senior Editorial Board members; however, the evaluation parameters would differ from a regular review process.

The EIC has the final discretion to accept the FT article.

Special Issues 

Proposals are required for Special Issues. Please see the following link for guidance on how to submit a Special Issue proposal: Guidance for Special Issues. 

Book Reviews 

Proposals are required for Book Reviews. Please see the following link or text below for guidance on how to submit a Book Review proposal:  Guidance for Book Reviews

The following policies and guidelines offer a detailed outline to help facilitate the process for scholars interested in proposing and writing a book review for JGM.

A potential reviewer should prepare a concise (1-2 page) proposal for a book review and submit it to one of the Associate Editors, Book Reviews, depending on your geographic location (please see details below), with a copy to EIC Ajay Manrai, as an email attachment at [email protected]. The Associate Editors are here to assist you throughout the process.

For Africa, Americas, and Oceania: Senior Associate Editor Tarek Maddy at  [email protected]

For Asia: Associate Editor Aditya Billore at  [email protected]

For Europe: Associate Editor Mahabubur Rahman at [email protected]

At a minimum, the proposal should include the following:

Information on the book under consideration, including:

Information on the author(s) of the book;

  • A very brief (max 400 words) discussion of the book's main themes;
  • Type of book (e.g., popular press, textbook, series, edited collection, etc.)

Information on the potential book reviewer, including:

  • The names and affiliations of potential reviewers;
  • CV of the potential reviewers;
  • A short biographical note (200 words) highlighting past research contributions and publications and previous review activities.

Information on project completion, including a brief timeline outlining the intended plan for developing and completing the book review. Generally, the whole process would take no more than 6-8 weeks.

If a review of the proposal results in a favorable decision, the reviewer will be informed and may start writing the review. The reviewer must keep in close contact with the AE during development. Please note that the reviewers are responsible for ensuring that the book review conforms to the manuscript and publication policies of JGM and T&F. The book review must be original and must not have been published in its current form elsewhere. More information on formatting and general guidelines can be found at:

While this is not an exhaustive list, a typical book review would include:

  • A thorough (and objective) summary of the book’s central themes, content, scope, structure, and how arguments are laid out;
  • Contributions the book author(s) make to the relevant field;
  • Identification of any author stances that are controversial or conflict with the existing body of practical knowledge and/or theoretical foundations within the area of research;
  • Any perceived shortcomings in the author(s)’ arguments;
  • Overall professional assessment of the book, including a comparison to peer books.

Most book review word count should fall within a range of 750-900 words (including bibliographic information and reviewer information).

Read full aims and scope

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