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Journal overview

STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research publishes peer-reviewed open access research on scientific and computational methods in archaeology.

The journal aims to embrace the full breadth of archaeological enquiry.

STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research accepts papers related to the following topics:

  • Archaeological materials science
  • Airborne remote sensing, geophysical techniques and imaging
  • Artefact conservation and restoration methods
  • Biological and biochemical approaches
  • Environmental approaches
  • Forensic archaeology
  • Heritage studies and conservation methods
  • Mathematical modelling, computational analyses and virtual reality
  • Scientific dating including geochronological approaches
  • Spatial analysis and GIS
  • Underwater archaeological methods

STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research publishes original research articles. The journal operates on a single-anonymized peer review policy.

All articles will be made freely and permanently available online through gold open access publication.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

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STAR is now included in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Clarivate Analytics and Scopus