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Journal overview

Psychology & Health promotes the study and application of psychological approaches to health and illness. The contents include work on psychological aspects of physical illness, treatment processes and recovery; psychosocial factors in the aetiology of physical illnesses; health attitudes and behaviour, including prevention; the individual-health care system interface particularly communication and psychologically-based interventions. The journal publishes original research, and accepts not only papers describing rigorous empirical work, including meta-analyses, but also those outlining new psychological approaches and interventions in health-related fields.

Notice to Authors Wishing to Submit to Psychology & Health

Psychology & Health receives many more manuscripts than we can publish, and so we must select for review those with the highest probability of eventual acceptance. This makes it necessary for us to reject papers that do not receive a high priority score or that are outside of the journal's scope, despite their potential strengths. The following guidelines should be considered prior to submitting a manuscript to Psychology & Health .

The following types of manuscripts will be given the highest priority and most likely be sent out for review:
  • Randomised controlled trials and experimental studies that are pre-registered and test specific hypotheses or highlight specific mechanisms relating physical health and illness
  • Prospective or longitudinal studies, ecological momentary assessment studies, registered reports, and registered systematic reviews and meta-analyses
  • Evaluation studies of effective public health practice
  • Position and guideline papers related to health psychology
  • Studies providing credible evidence that can inform practice (for example, this will entail employing a sample with an adequate size and composition; appropriate testing of plausible hypotheses in quantitative studies; thorough or in-depth analysis in qualitative studies)
  • Studies that are likely to make a significant novel contribution to theory or methods (i.e., empirical study is based on sophisticated theorising or methodology)
  • Studies that demonstrate their importance to health psychology

The following types of manuscripts will be given the lowest priority and most likely not be sent out for review:

  • Cross-sectional, descriptive studies without innovative features
  • Pilot studies, feasibility studies, and protocol studies
  • Studies with sample size too small to detect effects and/or sample unrepresentative or biased
  • Studies with unreliable or unvalidated measures
  • Studies with inappropriate statistical analyses and analysis not well described and/or unconvincing
  • Studies having no control or reference group or inadequate control group
  • Studies that do not contain sufficient psychological theory and content
  • Studies that are not principally concerned with physical health
  • The writing style is unclear and would require extensive revision before it would be suitable for publication.
Peer Review Integrity

All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees.

Related Journal - Health Psychology Reviewis the official review journal of the European Health Psychology Society. Click here to visit the journal’s website.

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