Lord Robert May Best Paper Prize

Created 01 Jan 2010| Updated 07 Jun 2024 | 9 articles

The Lord Robert May Prize is awarded biennially to the author(s) of the best paper published in Journal of Biological Dynamics with the prize announced at the International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Populations in Biological Systems.

The winning author(s) receives the equivalent of GB £200 and can receive books of up to the value of GB £100.

This year’s winners are Necibe Tuncer, Archana Timsina, Miriam Nuno, Gerardo Chowell & Maia Martcheva for their article: 'Parameter identifiability and optimal control of an SARS-CoV-2 model early in the pandemic'. Journal of Biological Dynamics, 16(1), 412–438.

The Prize Committee commented that the article “stood out because it was comprehensive, well written, and thorough, and it treated the highly relevant topic of modeling the Covid-19 epidemic and examining control measures. It presented a model, treated structural and practical identifiability of model parameters, estimated parameters in an identifiable model from data, and used an optimal control approach to assess the effectiveness of possible disease control measures. Overall, it gave a very complete treatment of an important problem.”

2021-2022 Winner

Necibe Tuncer, Archana Timsina, Miriam Nuno, Gerardo Chowell & Maia Martcheva, ‘Parameter identifiability and optimal control of an SARS-CoV-2 model early in the pandemic’

2019-2020 Winners

Sheryl L. Chang, Mahendra Piraveenan, Philippa Pattison & Mikhail Prokopenko, 'Game-theoretic modelling of infectious disease dynamics and intervention methods: a review'

Kelsey Marcinko & Mark Kot, 'A comparative analysis of host-parasitoid models with density dependence preceding parasitism'

2017-2018 Winner

Brian P. Yurk & Christina A. Cobbold, 'Homogenization techniques for population dynamics in strongly heterogeneous landscapes'

2015-2016 Winners

Michael R. Kelly Jr., Joseph H. Tien, Marisa C. Eisenberg & Suzanne Lenhart, 'The impact of spatial arrangements on epidemic disease dynamics and intervention strategies'

Diana Knipl, 'A new approach for designing disease intervention strategies in metapopulation models'

2013-2014 Winner

Marion Weedermann, Gunog Seo & Gail Wolkowicz, 'Mathematical model of anaerobic digestion in a chemostat: effects of syntrophy and inhibition'

2010-2012 Winners

Frank M. Hilker, 'Population collapse to extinction: the catastrophic combination of parasitism and Allee effect'

Shweta Bansal , Jonathan Read , Babak Pourbohloul & Lauren Ancel Meyers, 'The dynamic nature of contact networks in infectious disease epidemiology'

Browse the award-winning papers below.

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Originally published in Journal of Biological Dynamics, Volume: 16, Number: 1 (31 Dec 2022)

Published online: 30 May 2022
  • 5 CrossRef citations
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Open Access

Originally published in Journal of Biological Dynamics, Volume: 12, Number: 1 (01 Jan 2018)

Published online: 11 Dec 2017
  • 17 CrossRef citations
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Open Access

Originally published in Journal of Biological Dynamics, Volume: 14, Number: 1 (01 Jan 2020)

Published online: 29 Jan 2020
  • 82 CrossRef citations
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Open Access

Originally published in Journal of Biological Dynamics, Volume: 4, Number: 1 (01 Jan 2010) WORKSHOP ON POPULATION DYNAMICS AND MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY, LUMINY, FRANCE, JUNE 2008

Published online: 17 Jun 2009
  • 37 CrossRef citations
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Free Access

Originally published in Journal of Biological Dynamics, Volume: 14, Number: 1 (01 Jan 2020)

Published online: 30 Jun 2020
  • 3 CrossRef citations
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Open Access

Originally published in Journal of Biological Dynamics, Volume: 10, Number: 1 (01 Jan 2016)

Published online: 16 Mar 2016
  • 23 CrossRef citations
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Open Access

Originally published in Journal of Biological Dynamics, Volume: 7, Number: 1 (01 Dec 2013)

Published online: 21 Jan 2013
  • 41 CrossRef citations
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Open Access

Originally published in Journal of Biological Dynamics, Volume: 10, Number: 1 (01 Jan 2016)

Published online: 11 Nov 2015
  • 15 CrossRef citations
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Open Access

Originally published in Journal of Biological Dynamics, Volume: 4, Number: 5 (01 Sep 2010) CONTACT NETWORKS IN EPIDEMIOLOGY

Published online: 13 Sep 2010
  • 143 CrossRef citations
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Free Access