International Journal of Radiation Biology, Volume 87, Issue 1 (2011)

International Journal of Radiation Biology, Volume 87, Issue 1 (2011)


Page: 1
Published online: 09 Dec 2010
  • 2 CrossRef citations
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Free Access

Radioactive Iodine and Asymmetric Dimetilarginin

Mouse Strain, Lymphocytes and Iron Ion Radiation

Low-Dose γ-Rays Modify T Cell Response to Simulated SPE

Magnetic Field Reduces Glucose Level in Diabetic Mice

γH2AX as Acute Normaltissue Toxicity Indicator

DDSB and Apoptosis Induction by Protons

Different Radiosensitivity of Treg and Teff Cells

MK615 Enhances CD4/CD8 Ratio Following Irradiation

Radiation Induced Changes in Serum by NMR Spectroscopy

Solar Radiation Induced Medium Mediated Cell Death

Book Review

Book Review
Pages: 112-113
Published online: 09 Dec 2010
  • 1 CrossRef citations
  • 0Altmetric