Journal overview

Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research (AAAR) is an international open access journal publishing interdisciplinary research into cold region environments.

Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research seeks to advance understanding of the rapid environmental change occurring in cold regions through research into past, present, and future high-latitude and mountain regions. The journal publishes research from a diverse group of international authors from academia, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations.

Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research covers the following topics:

  • Ecology
  • Climatology
  • Geomorphology
  • Glaciology & Cryology
  • Hydrology
  • Paleosciences (Paleoecology, Palynology, Micropaleontology)
  • Oceanography
  • Biogeochemistry
  • Social science

Papers may be unidisciplinary or multidisciplinary, but should have interdisciplinary appeal. Special thematic issues and proceedings are encouraged.

Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research accepts research articles, review articles, and short communications (including opinion pieces, book reviews and memorials), and specifically formatted science briefs for its Arctic Answers section.

Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research is associated with the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), at the University of Colorado Boulder. INSTAAR focuses on the advancement of environmental science covering a broad range of disciplines, primarily with a cold-regions perspective, using field studies, state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, and modeling. The goal of INSTAAR’s research and outreach is to generate influential science that can inform public and policy decisions and move us toward a more sustainable society.

To expand the mission to promote environmental understanding, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research has partnered with the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) to add “Arctic Answers,” peer-reviewed 2-page state-of-knowledge briefs answering policy-relevant questions about the Arctic. Written by experts and based upon the published literature, “Arctic Answers” offer up-to-date concise non-technical information in an accessible format for the general public, educators, interested stakeholders, policymakers, and researchers in diverse disciplines. The opportunity to delve deeper into each topic is provided through a “knowledge pyramid” of supporting research as well as the experts’ contact information.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.
All articles are made freely and permanently available online through gold open access publication.


Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research supports the 17 Goals of the United Nations toward Sustainable Development and strives to implement these goals through dissemination of knowledge and integrated research on environmental conditions and their change to inform sustainability policies and climate action. AAAR promotes equity through open access to all content and assistance to authors from developing nations (10).

AAAR promotes science literacy and quality education (4) especially as it relates to sustainable clean water and healthy water-related environments (6), life below water (14), life on land (15), and climate action (13). Study of vulnerable cold-regions environments leads to informed decisions balancing the environment, human settlements (11) and energy use and consumption sustainability (7,12).

AAAR requires fairness, integrity, and accountability in publishing, and respectful practices regarding people, animals, culture, and land in performance of research. AAAR values gender equality, and racial and cultural diversity, and acknowledges its deficiencies in under-representation which we are working to correct. If would like to comment or join our global network of authors, reviewers, editors, and readers, please contact us. (Goals 4,5,8,10,16,17)
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