Gynecological Endocrinology, Volume 33, Issue 12 (2017)

Gynecological Endocrinology, Volume 33, Issue 12 (2017)

PCOS: Risk of Stroke and all cause Mortality

Glucose Tolerance in Pregnancy

Glu331 del mutation in CYP17A1 gene causes Atypical Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Oral Rosuvastatin versus Progesterone and Bevacizumab in endometriotic implants in rats

Dapsone hydroxylamine mediated alterations in red blood cells in Endometriotic patients

Progestogens and Sleep in Postmenopausal women

VDR, RANKL and OPG Polymorphism and Postmenopausal Osteoporosis

VVA Ospemifene treatment and Overactive Bladder Symptoms improvement

Ospemifene effects on Vaginal Epithelium in Postmenopausal women

Omega-3 vs Iso-flavones and Vasomotor Symptoms in Postmenopausal women

Body Composition and Psychological improvement under OC containing Estradiol and Nomegestrol Acetate

FHA:L-Carnitine plus L-Acetyl-Carnitine effects on Neuroendocrine control of Hypothalamic Function

Corifollitropin alpha versus Follitropin Beta in IVF/ICSI Ovarian Stimulation

Obesity and Visceral fat deposits in Assisted Reproduction

Transdermal Testosterone Gel for Poor Responders in IVF

Docosahexaenoic acid treatment of Neurvegetative disorders in Postmenopausal women
