Frontiers in Earth Observation

Created 23 Mar 2022| Updated 23 Mar 2022 | 18 articles

We live in a constantly and rapidly changing world. This is more than true for remote sensing technology and applications. Therefore, frontiers in Earth observation (EO) are also constantly moving ahead. This special issue presents the outcome of the 36th Symposium of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) that took place from 20-24 June 2016 in Bonn, Germany. The EARSeL symposia usually cover a wide range of topics, often beyond mainstream applications. Those events attract remote sensing experts from all over the world, in particular young scientists appreciating dedicated sessions and the opportunity to present their work. Thanks to the large amount of valuable contributions, we were able to compile this special issue reflecting frontiers of Earth Observation in Europe and beyond.

Overall, 18 peer-reviewed articles, covering a variety of topics from classical Remote Sensing applications such as land cover mapping to the cutting edge research in the area of EO education, constitute this special issue.

The variety of EO application and methodology united in this special issue exemplifies some of the frontiers of EO. The 36th EARSeL Symposium in Bonn was organized by the Remote Sensing Research Group (RSRG) at the Department of Geography and the Center for Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces (ZFL) of the University of Bonn under the guidance of Prof. Gunter Menz and Prof. Klaus Greve. Gunter Menz passed away shortly after the symposium. With this special issue, we would like to commemorate his great achievements in promoting research and education in the field of Earth Observation.

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Originally published in European Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume: 51, Number: 1 (01 Jan 2018)

Published online: 27 Mar 2018
  • 3 CrossRef citations
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Open Access

Originally published in European Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume: 51, Number: 1 (01 Jan 2018)

Published online: 24 Nov 2017
  • 3 CrossRef citations
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Open Access

Originally published in European Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume: 50, Number: 1 (01 Jan 2017)

Published online: 16 May 2017
  • 1 CrossRef citations
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Open Access
Review Article

Originally published in European Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume: 50, Number: 1 (01 Jan 2017)

Published online: 18 Sep 2017
  • 8 CrossRef citations
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Open Access

Originally published in European Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume: 50, Number: 1 (01 Jan 2017)

Published online: 03 Jul 2017
  • 0 CrossRef citations
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Open Access

Originally published in European Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume: 52, Number: 1 (01 Jan 2019)

Published online: 04 Dec 2018
  • 4 CrossRef citations
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Open Access

Originally published in European Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume: 51, Number: 1 (01 Jan 2018)

Published online: 12 Dec 2017
  • 2 CrossRef citations
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Open Access