Gynecological Endocrinology, Volume 34, Issue 4 (2018)

Gynecological Endocrinology, Volume 34, Issue 4 (2018)


Salpingectomy and IVF


Neuro control of Ovarian Cycle

Polyglandular Autoimmune Syndrome type IIIC

Hormone Therapy in Bone Marrow Carcinomatosis

PCOS and Irisin

IL-18 and Atherosclerotic Risk in lean PCOS

Induction of Ovulation in Clomiphene Resistant PCOS

PCOS Features in Women with Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

Fertility Sparing Surgery in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer

Cisplatin Ovarian Damage and Erythropoietin

Soybean Isoflavones and 17β Estradiol effects in Diabetic Rat

Bone Marrow derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Transplantation in POI

AMH, Vitamin D and Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors

HRT Awareness in Medical Care Personnel

Circadian Cortisol Rhythm Disruption in Obesity

Endometrioma after Cervical Conisation

Vitamin D and Thyroid function In 2nd Trimester Pregnancy

Polymorphism of Inflammation Related Genes and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Membrane initiated effects of Serelis on Human Breast Cancer cells

DHEAS Effects on Mice Ovarian Reserve